Violin Repair School

Art work donated by Susan Clark, Ontario www.susanclarkartist.ca
Besides the trade organizations mentioned elsewhere, the nation's music educators are very aware of the music education access barriers suffered by income disadvantaged populations. Here, below, I want to give credit to people and the agencies listed who gave--and continue to give--in products or with particular expertise to see our students be successful in addressing this inequity.
Sylvia Carlson
A horn player, a social justice warrior, a mom, and the former Ex Dir of the Chicago Metamorphosis Orchestra Project
For giving me my first exposures to all of this
For introducing me to others who play, and who teach, and who care!
The College Board
For working with We.org to develop a Scholarship offering, which will make our StringWizard participants, who complete AP qualifying courseware,eligible to compete for two Allstate Foundation $50,000 scholarships awarded each year. This is a new program.
The Driehaus Foundation http://driehausfoundation.org/
For their offer to critique our grant writing segments
Richard Driehaus and my brother Jack were Ignatius classmates (’60)
Lashof Violins https://www.lashofviolins.com/
For repair advice
For David's donation of his 300-page book Violin Making and bow repair book, which is in constant use.
MusicInc.Chicago https://www.musicincchicago.org/
For constant advice and active participation in all we do
Music Inc. is the main recipient of our shop output
For help with developing our lease program
For being a key partner with us from the very beginning.
Music for All https://advocacy.musicforall.org/2019-winners/
For recognizing our work with a first prize
For possible future summer workshops
For all they do to provide a network for users like StringWizards
National Association of Music Merchants Foundation
For sponsorship of Music-for-All and the Advocacy-in-Action program
For our gold medal https://advocacy.musicforall.org/2019-winners/
For showing my interns that perseverance has merit.
Nina Kraus PhD NorthWestern https://brainvolts.northwestern.edu/
For neuro science and how music playing impacts school readiness
For her interests in StringWizards.
North Park University https://www.northpark.edu/
For the tuition waiver in a certificate program in Music and Social Change and Human Values
For Orchestra Director Dr. Tom Zelle and his support of StringWizards and his interest in promoting el Sistema work in the city and surrounds
Mark and Maggie O’Connor http://www.oconnormethod.com/
For their interest in StringWizards
For thinking outside the box on violin instruction
For the Mark O’Connor Method itself
I am a certified method teacher
Music Inc Chicago Orchestra performing in Tully Hall.
Red Desert Violin https://www.reddesertviolin.com/
For the offer of discounted music training software.
For Lora’s long friendship and our common interest in social equity and the joy of teaching
St. Agatha Parish and Fr. Larry Dowling
For opening his convent to StringWizards' storage needs
For hosting Music Inc Chicago each week.
For being pastor to a genuine faith community in a working world
St. Ignatius College Prep https://www.ignatius.org/
For hosting StringWizards
For providing shop space
For Mary Ellen Schneider, Chair of the Music Department
For 150 years of breathing social justice into their students
Triangle Strings https://trianglestrings.com/
For Internet advice on violin repair techniques
For on-going personal assistance when asked
For a lovely website full of advice for StringWizard interns
Trala https://trala.com/
Trala is a new mobile ap from a Chicago based company. It is a customizable, interactive learning ap which could inspire very young players with serious intent who lack the access to individualized attention.
For their offer of assistance to StringWizards
Lane Tech College Prep, Music Department
We are forever grateful to Mr. Javier Payano for his thoughtfulness in offering some surplus instrument repair tools and parts from a previous cello repair effort at the school.
Vandercook College of Music https://www.vandercook.edu/
For their "One City" tuition-free youth orchestra
For allowing me to edit a Masters Offering in band instrument maintenance and repair.
We.Org and the Allstate Insurance Foundation https://www.we.org/en-US/
For recognizing our work with a recent national recognition award
For tomorrow’s promise of melodies yet to play.